The Arts

Fantastic art, literature, film, and music is the stuff dreams are made of. These mediums help us escape from the doldrums of the everyday and into a wonderful world filled with inspiration and creativity.

For posts on fantasy’s role in the arts please see The Arts Archive.

Want me to check out an artist, author, musician, or piece? Just mention it in the comments below or contact me here.


  1. I think you should be an art teacher for an elementary school or more specifically my elementary school. luv u

  2. Check out the book “the Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life” by Drunvalo Malchizedek. The book is not meant to be fanciful although some of the subject matter is complex and out of the “norm” from what we were taught about life and it’s beginnings in school. The author even proposes to know what life and our human existence is evolving too. If anyone reads the book then do so with an open heart and an open mind. You will be surprised how close to reality fantasy can actually be!

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